Along with reviewing for the following journals:
Bio-Protocol, Plant Cell, Planta, Physiologia Plantarum, PNAS, Plant Physiology, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, eLife, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Communications Biology, Frontiers Plant Science, Photosynthesis Research, Plant and Cell Physiology, Scientific Reports, Crop Science, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Journal of Experimental Botany, Plant Communications
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France Research National Agency ANR, Czech Academy of Sciences Research Evaluation 2020, Poland National Science Center NCN, German Research Foundation DFG, USA National Science Foundation NSF, European Research Council ERC (see publons)
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The role of LHCBM1 in non-photochemical quenching in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Xin Liu, Wojciech Nawrocki and Roberta Croce
- Reviewed by: Jingfang Hao & Pierrick Bru with input from Alizée Malnoë, Aurélie Crepin, Fadime Demirel, Jack Forsman and Domenica Farci.
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Circadian and diel regulation of photosynthesis in the bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha
David Cuitun-Coronado, Hannah Rees, Anthony Hall, Luíza Lane de Barros Dantas and Antony N. Dodd
- Reviewed by: Maria Paola Puggioni & Aurélie Crepin with input from Alizée Malnoë, Wolfgang Schröder, Pierrick Bru, Jingfang Hao, Fadime Demirel, André Graça, Jack Forsman and Domenica Farci.
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Chlorophyll fluorescence: how the quality of information about PAM instrument parameters may affect our research
Tim Nies, Yuxi Niu, Oliver Ebenhöh, Shizue Matsubara and Anna Matuszyńska
- Reviewed by: Jack Forsman & Andre Graca with input from Alizée Malnoë, Jingfang Hao, Maria Paola Puggioni, Pierrick Bru, Aurélie Crepin, Wolfgang Schröder.
- Link to public review or here

Photoprotection is regulated by light-independent CO2 availability
M. Águila Ruiz-Sola, Serena Flori, Yizhong Yuan, Gaelle Villain, Emanuel Sanz-Luque, Petra Redekop, Ryutaro Tokutsu, Anika Kueken, Angeliki Tsichla, Georgios Kepesidis, Guillaume Allorent, Marius Arend, Fabrizio Iacono, Giovanni Finazzi, Michael Hippler, Zoran Nikoloski, Jun Minagawa, Arthur R. Grossman and Dimitris Petroutsos
- Reviewed by: Maria Paola Puggioni & Aurélie Crepin with input from Alizée Malnoë, Jingfang Hao, André Graça, Pierrick Bru, Jack Forsman.
- Link to public review or here

Evolution of chlorophyll degradation is associated with plant transition to land
Isabel Schumacher, Damian Menghini, Serguei Ovinnikov, Mareike Hauenstein, Nick Fankhauser, Cyril Zipfel, Stefan Hörtensteiner and Sylvain Aubry
- Reviewed by: Domenica Farci & Sam Cook with input from Alizée Malnoë, Maria Paola Puggioni, Aurélie Crepin, André Graça, Jack Forsman, Jingfang Hao, Pierrick Bru, Jianli Duan.
- Link to public review or here

Enzymes degraded under high light maintain proteostasis by transcriptional regulation in Arabidopsis
Lei Li, Owen Duncan, Diep R Ganguly, Chun Pong Lee, Peter A. Crisp, Akila Wijerathna-Yapa, Karzan Salih, Josua Trösch, Barry J Pogson and A. Harvey Millar
- Reviewed by: Jianli Duan & Jingfang Hao with input from Alizée Malnoë, Maria Paola Puggioni, André Graça, Aurélie Crepin, Pierrick Bru.
- Link to public review or here

Impaired photoprotection in Phaeodactylum tricornutum KEA3 mutants reveals the proton regulatory circuit of diatoms light acclimation
Claire Seydoux, Mattia Storti, Vasco Giovagnetti, Anna Matuszyńska, Erika Guglielmino, Xue Zhao, Cécile Giustini, Yufang Pan, Jhoanell Angulo, Alexander V. Ruban, Hanhua Hu, Benjamin Bailleul, Florence Courtois, Guillaume Allorent, Giovanni Finazzi
- Reviewed by: Pushan Bag & Pierrick Bru with input from Alizée Malnoë, Maria Paola Puggioni, Jingfang Hao, Jack Forsman, Wolfgang Schröder, Emma Cocco, Jianli Duan
- Link to public review or here

The rise and fall of the photoinhibition-related energy dissipation qI
Wojciech J. Nawrocki, Xin Liu, Bailey Raber, Chen Hu, Catherine de Vitry, Doran I. G. Bennett, Roberta Croce
- Reviewed by: Alizée Malnoë
- Link to public review

ACCLIMATION OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS TO THE ENVIRONMENT 1 regulates Photosystem II Supercomplex dynamics in response to light in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Marie Chazaux, Stefano Caffarri, Juliane Da Graça, Stephan Cuiné, Magali Floriani, Pawel Brzezowski, Gilles Peltier, Bernard Genty, Jean Alric and Xenie Johnson
- Reviewed by: Alizée Malnoë
- Link to public review